Susanna Hoffs
Chris Price

From ANDRAS JONES: SUSANNA HOFFS is our guest for this Pop Oracle session with Omnivore Recording Artist CHRIS PRICE. Yes THE Susanna Hoffs! She and Chris dish with their love of pop music and each other and then Ms. Hoffs lays her question on us. Inspired by Pablo Neruda’s “Book of Questions” she asks, “Why […]

Chris Price
Chris Price

From ANDRAS JONES: And for our big closing number…This is the 8th and last musical divination of the CHRIS PRICE episode. The 64th and final musical divination of the series of 8 episodes that began with INARA GEORGE on November 6th, 2017. How did we get here? Well, a roller coaster is a pretty good […]

Andras Jones
Chris Price

FROM ANDRAS JONES: Today begins our Pop Oracle session with Omnivore Recording artist CHRIS PRICE. This is the final of the series of 8 episodes that began with INARA GEORGE in November, a series that saw us exiled from the studios at Starburns Industries while our former network, Feral Audio, was #metoo’d out of existence. […]

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Song of the Day
The Universe Is Flat - Scott Taylor